Monday, January 01, 2007

It's been awhile. I'm sure that's a recurring theme in these blogs...but so be it. Since my last post in October, I've been out to Steamboat...I attempted to ski in Tahoe (not enough snow)...xmas has came and went and I've gotten myself back into running. As you can see...I've been busy.

I'm planning to run the 5/3 Riverbank Run in Grand Rapids, MI in May. This is the biggest run I've ever attempted. This is a 25K, which should be enough to scare the crap out of me. I've heard many people who have said they train for it and then end up running the 5K instead because they're not ready. They usually say that it was worth it because it got them in shape. I'm thinking differently. I want to get a regular routine going. I'm not trying to "become a runner", I'm not big on defining oneself as a "runner" or as a "Republican" or whatever. Titles suck. Anyway...I'm just trying to get back to the shape I used to be in. I think I'm in decent shape now...I've been running about 5.3K as a regular workout...but I would like to lose my extra weight. Dropping another 25 - 30 lbs would help me with Snowboarding, not to mention golf. The idea of sticking around to see my grandchildren someday is a good goal as well.

I've also decided I'd like to work on my Astronomy knowledge. I started doing some reading in the summer, which lead me to get some decent binoculars for xmas as well as a Celestron SkyScout (very cool by the way). While reading a column in an astronomy magazine (sorry can't remember which mag, or which writer) the author answered a question about which telescope a beginner should buy. His answer was that a beginner should first learn the constellations before dropping the cash on a telescope. I followed this advice, although a couple of nights in the backyard playing with the skyscout have me craving a nice scope. It will have to wait.

GTD has been tough to stick with. The ideas are great...and I've definitely put much of it in practice, but the end of year demands on my time have driven my email box back up into the hundreds.

I'm heading back to Steamboat on the 18th for a long weekend with the "Walloon guys". This gives me just a couple weeks to get my running routine truly established. The kids are great...growing like crazy. This is enough for now, I'll try to post again later.

- Scott

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