Sunday, January 28, 2007

Getting short...

It feels like the time until the RiverBank run is getting really short. It's not, we still have 103 days, but like I said, it feels short. I took some time off to go out West, which was a little hiccup in my training plans. Don't get me wrong, snowboarding in Steamboat with a couple of Ski Patrollers is a good workout. I am up to 8 miles now...which I think I'm ok with. The trick is going to be having a good week and capping it off with 9 or 10 miles next Sunday.

I was thinking quite a bit today about motivational phrases, words, songs, etc. I was thinking about this while running. One of the "modes" I like to get into while running is a distracted mode. This is when I'm thinking about things other than running. My pace is solid, and my mind just drifts off and I usually snap back to reality a mile or two later. It would be great to turn that on and off as needed. Back to the words and phrases...

I find myself saying "dig" to myself quite a bit while climbing hills. Another one is "distance not pace".

Anyway...time to get back to work.

- Scott

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