Thursday, January 11, 2007


This one will go down in the "why didn't I try that before" category. I have been running with the Nike+ Sport Kit since July, but had never tried the gmaps pedometer before. Tonight, after grinding thru a 4 mile night run in the cold rain, I synced my run and started browsing Google for other Grand Rapids RiverBank runners. I happened upon Scott Zanskas blog where he talks about using gmaps to double-check his Nike+. I entered my typical route, and whatdoyaknow? Pure amazement.

Here's my running route from tonight.

Only about 120 days until the big run.

Oh yeah...tonight was the 5/3 KickOff at Craig's Cruisers. I was amazed that getting there at 10 after 5 made me a "late comer". I signed up officially for the race and also joined (officially) the Grand Rapids Running Club.

Beth and I have also signed up for Gazelle's Fun and Fitness program. This is essentially a package of 3 races for a discount amount. There's supposed to be a shirt as well, but they seemed to have ran out of them forever ago.

Things seem to be going well. I'm stretching better than I probably ever have. The "slow and steady" approach appears to be paying off. I listened to my body this week. I only took one day off, but I also ran nice and easy when I thought it was appropriate. This weekend should bring a couple of tougher runs...primarily the 7-miler on Sunday. Saturday's 4-miler with the Mentor program should help me push my pace. Yeah yeah yeah...I know the pace doesn't really matter at this point.


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