Wednesday, November 05, 2008 hurts. It should hurt because I've gotten my running back on track...but that's not what I'm talking about. Physical hurt doesn't compare to the thought of the next four years of Obama. I have to spend some time with my business partners to determine how we're going to deal with this. Think about that. We have to shift our business vision due to a President. Something seems wrong with that. The fact is, we were already dealing with the Michigan recession and an overbearing Michigan Business Tax. We now will also have to deal with an overbearing Federal Government and the new President's plans to "share the wealth". Here's a little secret...

We are already taxed heavily on our individual thirds of our Sub-chapter S Corporation. Some S-Corps are "drained" yearly as the owners pull their share of the business income. We don't do that. Sure, we like to take a bonus when times are good, but the majority of the company's income stays in the company. This is why we've been successful and why we've been able to weather downturns and hire new employees. Now...since a considerably larger chunk of this income will be taxed at a confiscatory rate...we'll have less to weather the bad times and even less to hire new employees. We'll likely decide to hunker down and just try to "endure" the next four years.

The American Dream now has a limit. Of's hard to say whether that limit is $250K, $200K, $150K....or even $42K. I guess it depends on which campaign promise you decide to believe.

Keep your head down...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe there is some hope in that it appears we may have maintained the ability to fillibuster. May depend on the Colman recount though.