Sunday, April 01, 2007

Running...a bit of pain

Like most of us born in the 60's...I lived thru the childhood teachings of "no pain, no gain". This seemed ok at the time, and there's certainly a nugget of truth to it, but in running, serious pain usually means no gain.

I have been taking it easy on my running schedule, trying to get my knee a little healed up. Nothing serious, but I sense I have some strain on my inner right knee, below the joint. I'm using a band, which helps, and things do seem to be getting progressively better.

Today I decided I had to get a run in, no matter how short. I was crunched for time and decided that if I couldn't put in the distance, I'd run a little tougher short run. I opted to run Seidman Park. This is a trail run packed with lots of hills, roots, mud, sand, etc. Remember, I was crunched for time. The first mistake was crunching my stretching time. I stretched, just not to my normal extent. My calves paid the price. A 4.25 mile run has left me limping and icing my left calf. The good news is that the knee feels great. I'm going to finally check into getting a decent deep tissue massage and see if it helps out.

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