Saturday, April 28, 2007

Running...and setbacks...

I haven't posted in awhile because I was experiencing a little let down with running. My knee had been hurting a little, and I backed off on the training to get it healed up a bit. When I started getting back into things, I made a huge mistake. I didn't have much time to get a run in, so I was rushing a bit. A bit too much rushing for adequate stretching. I ran a 4.5 mile trail run, during which I ended up straining my calf. I know better than this, I've suffered calf strains in the past, including last summer/fall to both calves.

So...I dropped the running back to pretty much nil. The Riverbank was starting to come into question. This week I managed to get a couple of 4 mile runs in, as much to test my lungs as anything. The lungs felt decent, so I opted to run the optional "run the course" run with the Mentor Group of GR Running Club. I planned on running til my legs or lungs told me it was time to turn around...then walking if necessary. I ended up running the entire course. It really felt good. I'm hurting now...but I've built my confidence up. I kept my overall pace to a little under 10 minutes and ended up with a 2:30 (it's a 25K run).

The hills are brutal...which makes the last 4 miles or so pretty tough. I didn't injure myself, and my calf actually feels better than before the race. Getting it hot and loose seems to help. The time off healed up my knee as well.

I'm off to Steamboat for the week before the race...actually for work. I'll run out there...but not the big miles. Hopefully running at altitude will help me come race day.

- Scott

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Kent City Ridge Run

Last weekend I ran the Kent City Ridge Run 15K. It was a good race, a bit cool, very foggy. Wow...those are some tough hills out there. I ended up running an 8:40 pace, which I felt decent about, especially considering those hills. This is the first time I've raced this sort of distance and it gives me a little more confidence for the RiverBank. I hadn't ran at all the week before because of my knee pain. I could feel the difference in my lungs in particular.

I'm also noticing my lack of motivation when I don't have a race in the immediate future. The combination of muscle strain and not having a race in the next 2 weeks has lead me to skip way too many runs. I'll look to get things back on track during the weeks before and after Easter.

Running...a bit of pain

Like most of us born in the 60's...I lived thru the childhood teachings of "no pain, no gain". This seemed ok at the time, and there's certainly a nugget of truth to it, but in running, serious pain usually means no gain.

I have been taking it easy on my running schedule, trying to get my knee a little healed up. Nothing serious, but I sense I have some strain on my inner right knee, below the joint. I'm using a band, which helps, and things do seem to be getting progressively better.

Today I decided I had to get a run in, no matter how short. I was crunched for time and decided that if I couldn't put in the distance, I'd run a little tougher short run. I opted to run Seidman Park. This is a trail run packed with lots of hills, roots, mud, sand, etc. Remember, I was crunched for time. The first mistake was crunching my stretching time. I stretched, just not to my normal extent. My calves paid the price. A 4.25 mile run has left me limping and icing my left calf. The good news is that the knee feels great. I'm going to finally check into getting a decent deep tissue massage and see if it helps out.